June 23, 2010

Past Book Events

Slide-lecture and demonstration of Bedouin spinning and weaving,
Bookworks, 4022 Rio Grande Blvd. NW, Albuquerque, 87107, October 16, 2011

Slide/lecture program, Textile Arts Council, De Young Museum, San Francisco, March 19, 2011

Slide/lecture program, Kensington Public Library, 61 Arlington Avenue, Kensington, CA 94707, December 13, 7:00 pm

Holiday Bazaar featuring Palestinian crafts, Sunday, December 5, 10:00am - 4:00pm.
Live Oak Park Recreation Center, 1301 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA.

Book signing, Conference of MESA, Middle East Studies Association, Nov. 18 - 21, 2010
San Diego, CA
Signing: Nov. 20, 10 - 11 AM
MESA Exhibit Hall, Booth 61 - 62, The David Brown Book Company

Slide/lecture program, Santa Cruz Weavers, November 10.

Illustrated lecture, Sept. 23, 5 pm. Center For Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley. CMES - Center For Middle Eastern Studies, 340 Stephens Hall, Sultan Room.
For more information:

Live interview
, Cable Channel 76 (San Francisco), June 30, 6:30 - 7:00.
Show - 'My Country' - broadcasts on Comcast channel 76 and Astound channel 30 in the San Francisco cable jurisdiction ... also broadcast on the Internet in real time at this link for anyone with a fast web connection.

Book launch at Pegasus Books, Berkeley, CA; July 15, 7:30.
1855 Solano, Berk. 94704. 510.525.6888

Book Talk, Travel Bug Book Store, Santa Fe, NM, July 27, 5:30.
839 Paseo de Peralta, Santa Fe, 87501; 505-992-0418;

Slide/lecture program, Arab Cultural Center, San Francisco, Aug. 5, 7 pm. 2 Plaza St., 94116. 415.664.2200.

Television: "My Country," September 1, 6:30 - 7:00, Cable Channel 76 (San Francisco) or Astound channel 30 (San Francisco). For live stream on Internet click here.

In-Depth Review for the New Book!

“Bedouin Weaving” is an exceptionally handsome volume that is bound to be regarded as a definitive work on its subject.
Susannah Tarbush, Saudi Gazette

Please click here to read the entire review article, "Weaving the story of Bedouin textiles."